Thursday, February 28, 2008,
lolx i duno how 2 reply 2 brian's tag...he onli said it's juz cornflakes...xD
2 yunjin: my blogskin...emo?! in what way???
nice talking 2 all who were online and talked 2 me :D...
n sry rach, many people were playing around me while I was talking 2 u n others, thus causing the wireless to 'sot' fr a while. Sry, sry...when i came back online, u're nt dere liaox :S...lolx...
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008,

Lessons 2day quite fun...teachers all can teach pretty well...
sry 2day nt much pictures coz i nv reli go out :S
1st pic was champion dinner: all vege lor... >.<
2nd pic is chao weird...Ms Esther Cheong msn-ing in front of front of d whole champion-ism day!!!!
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...
all 26 Feb, ytd~~~
Dinner was settled by MacDonalds...b'coz I thought my luggage resetted its password by itself :S, which in the end turned out to be a scam >.<
HOWEVER, (MOSTLY POINTED AT ALL PARENTS), Beijing's macs is fantastic!!! It's cheap :D, not as salty fries as S'pore, and has non-fried chicken burger...heavenly~~~
now pointed to all other people (students esp.)...still, u don't come Beijing to eat macs, eh?
久久一次 :D
vry united dormitory mates...1 had indigestion 2day, so we bought dinner for him, and my friend and I bought mac back and accompanied him....i so nice~~~ (vege thinks this is ego -.-)
wanted to finish watching Deathnote...but the video turned down on us D:
well, juz gotta wait on~~~
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...
Beijing Planning Exhibition Hall

Pictures from Beijing Planning Exhibition Hall
Left: Outline of Forbidden City area when Beijing was still a volcanic area
Above: Countdown timer to Beijing 2008
So at the time of the picture taken, 164 days 3 hour 8 mins 20 secs left :D
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...

the entrance of the China's Esplanade, and bottom left: my 1st ever 'zi4 pai1' picture xD
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...
China's 大戏院

Egg instead of S'pore's durian: China's Esplanade (which also i visited ytd), it's surrounded by water...n they say during winter, when the water is frozen solid, ppl skate here!!!
(how true dat is i nt sure....blame SENIORS!!! xD)
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...
this is for tuesday, and I'm running out of time 2 write for 2day's :S :S :S
so 2 sum up the d
ay: it was FILLED with not-
so-interesting briefings, i had my 1st breakfast in bj, not-much-diff-from
-dinner's lunch, but it ended with a cool tour around campus
very fun-ny outdoor trips

Breakfast was a simple (bland -.-) meat bun, rou4 bing3 (finger-licking!!!) n soya (with ZERO sugar)
Lunch was much better, esp the pic though!!!

Some pics of the campus (most interesting is their indoor bball, swimming pool, table tennis court n their art museum, which are d pics)
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...
reaching airport and settling down...
k this was supposed 2 b fr monday, 25 Feb...
short yet tired day, but still had lots of fun!!! ;) I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience to do mi eng test on d plane...vry vry cool...can order drinks in d middle of d test...n can order orange juice too xD
reached airport at arnd 4pm...then went to school n dormitory...not really wad i expected actually...

The meat is marvellous, the vege tastes like all vege...but d tofu...uhh...(let's just say it's not fr ppl who r non-vegetarian) xD
China ppl also practise running around the field BY really hardworking...
We also went to a shopping mall to get sum stuff fr our dormitory. The temp outside was skin-piercing, so when i saw an old lady selling hot stuff, i went near the fire, in the hope of catching some warmth. Immediately when the 1st gust of smoke blew at me, I nearly fainted on the ground!!! It was my worst enemy in the world of gourmet (my family knows this best): 臭豆腐!!!
It's 'delicious' 2 know that d things there r really cheap...I bought a water bottle flavoured 500ml drink for only RMB2.40, arnd singapore's 48 cents...amazing stuff!!! (d drink DIDN'T EXPIRE -.-) crazy pricing~~~...but certainly I won't complain :D stuff = i can buy gifts fr u all...mostly fr mi family n gd fwenz...though... :D
yea...this is 2 out of 4 of my roommates. I'm sleeping at the upper deck. Hmm...I think it's been almost 5 years since i slept on the upper deck...but it's quite warm up there though, ironically. The captain of the room is not here (short cute boy boy...sry if u see this, man.)
Though I was already dead beat dat day, the fun never ends. I watched Deathnote 2 at night (but my energy only survived 2/3 of the movie :( ) hard to understand the movie, but gradually I got the hang of it ;)
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...
china's server
WARNING: a) I'm not able to tag on my tagboard...China server blocks it -.-
b) I can't view blogs (china's server), which include mine's n other ppl's :(
I have to make this quick...coz i have 2 start lessons soon...this post is just 2 ans tags :D
Mum n Grands: lolx never see any bad boys yet...shld b gaining weight :D...coz i eat almost evryting...i can't get d webcam i'll try to post as many pictures as i can, k? ;)
n y/how are grands using yr accounts? xD
Darrell: u type deadfreak, den mum can c all d deadfreak words on my blog...nice 1 -.-
beijing's cool, wiv cold in it :S but it's been fun...ironically it's more fun in the dormitory even w/o internet access :D
Vanna: u didn't tell mi wad u wan?! lolx ask yr sisters fr mi too den...if wan den ask serene n ashley too :D
n finally vege :D :i replied u liaox...mainly dun wori bout yr result :D READ YR INBOX ;)
really appreciative to hear from all of u...;)
Can't keep on loving you
from a distance...