This guy kinda started out in the final 13 quite rough, but have came out to be one of the frontrunners of the competition. Has been safe all the way so far. (Looks, i say?) Paula said he has the 'sexiest voice'! O.O Definitely his 'zone' is the country style, but would that limit his talent? :S
Prediction: Top 3
(He is a great singer, a very manly voice. But I think he's quite one-sided, and there is just too much talent in this top 5. He might have to settle with top 3~)
2) Matt Giraud
This guy can be your Justin Timberlake
or Michael Bublé

or both! xD
He started off really really strongly in the Top 13. At that moment, I thought he was going to win it! But since he sang You Found Me by The Fray (i.e. in Top 9), it has been a downward spiral for him, some good performances, and some 'in danger' performances. :S
Prediction: Top 5
He definitely can sing, but it's his song choice that kinda limits him. Also, the group is too strong for him to stay on. Good luck to him though~ ;)
3) Allison Iraheta

I think everyone knows her by her eye-catching red hair. At times have some weird dressing, i must say xD (go google find her top 9 dressing n u'll wad I mean :P) but she definitely has a post-grunge female voice...very rare indeed, but that wad makes her stand out. ;) However, she has to quickly find her niche right, and her niche is in the rock-zone, not so the soulful type. But she does have a great personality. ;)
Prediction: Top 4
(after her performance yesterday, she could get into trouble. She had been in the bottom 3 thrice, the latest being in the Top 7 to Top 5 group. :S The girl power may be short-lived.)
4) Adam Lambert
He, like Matt, have 2 looks.

or (omg) Elvis Presley -.-
Once an actor (probably now still is), this guy can really perform on stage. He is able 2 get the crowd going when he's singing a rock or groovy song, but can also get the crowd sentimental when he's singing something soulful. He loves to use the different parts of the stage to express himself. Genius, I must say.
However, there is one thing I don't like about him. I don't really like the way he hits the high notes. Pretty gay, and scary, 2 b honest. But that's just one, I guess. He also has his rough moments, like that i-duno-wad rendition of Ring Of Fire that sounds like a chant rather than a song. -.- Luckily, he seems to have recovered from that. ;)
And I know, many girls have already told me that he's cute. So the looks part is a no-brainer. -.-
Final 2!!!
(So you might ask, shouldn't the winner be a no-brainer? He can sing, he can perform, what can he not do? It's hard to differentiate the final 2, because he is in a different genre compared to the other. To be honest, I don't even know what his niche is! xD Multi~HAHAX)
5) Kris Allen
Just like Adam, this guy has his own personality on the stage, albeit it being totally different. Kris is your typical guy-next-door, the 'dude' look. And he definitely works out. Can see he has the kind of build in him. ;) But while Adam uses different parts of the stage to express himself, Kris uses different instruments and arrangements to express himself. He has brought the violin section, the piano, the guitars and even some traditional supposedly-African instruments all to the front of the stage to perform with him. And yet, he can still take control of the situation and not let the instruments outshine him, letting everyone knows who's the mastermind. ;) He's even confident when he's all alone sitting on a chair singing in front of everyone! That's what I like about him. Another genius ;)
He's been widely compared to Jason Mraz by (take a deep breath) Simon Cowell! xD Rightly so, because he's always doing acoustic covers. But he can also up the tempo when he's not doing acoustic, as evident from Remember The Time and All I Wants To Do Is Dance. That's what's amazing about him.
However, I'm still waiting for him to surprise me with a rock song. I'm not sure if he can pull it off for rock songs though. Besides, it's not necessary to sing rock songs, rite? Just a good pop song would be more interesting to see from him. ;)
Final 2!!!
I'll let you know my verdict at the end, if my predictions are correct ;)
If not, we'll see from there :P
And I only just found out, David Cook chose the same 2 people to reach the finals! Hahax telepathy...~